Claire Glynn is a dedicated entrepreneur and the founder of an acclaimed baby sign programme – Clever Little Handies. Her profound dedication to assisting parents and infants led her to devise an innovative method for early communication development, greatly benefiting families throughout the nation.
Rhyme & Sign Storytimes offer a unique opportunity for children and caregivers to delve into the world of sign language while enjoying a captivating story.
The session lasts approximately 45 minutes. We begin with the ISL alphabet and introductions, where the children’s names are spelled out with Irish sign language. This sets a great foundation for learning, as many of the signs used in the story will start with a letter of the ISL alphabet. Participants sign along as we go, and no previous experience is necessary as they are shown how to do the repeating signs (approximately 30 signs). The session concludes with Incy Wincy Spider.
Rhyme & Sign Storytimes offers a fantastic opportunity for children and caregivers to learn and have fun simultaneously. It promotes language development, inclusivity, and a love for reading.